sound terminology
sound can be put into 4 categories - music - this is used to heighten the emotion and drama of a scene - it can also establish the atmosphere or act as a character theme (a leitmotif). - dialogue - any spoken words from a character is a dialogue. it can tell us about a character - personality. -sound effects - recorded sound that isn't speech or music - it can be footsteps, a clock ticking. using sound effects can increase sense of mystery or disorientate the viewer. -voice overs - voice overs are audio that isn't attached to the scene - could be narration of thoughts. these are done after the scene is shot (shot in a studio) diegetic and non-diegetic: diegetic - Greek for world, this is sound that would exist in the film world and can be on or off the screen but the characters would hear it unlike music. adding this to films can give the impression of realism to the film. non-diegetic - sound that doesn't exist in the film world - good examples of this is...