lighting workshop

lighting workshop

back light - must use diffusion - separates the subject from the background as it creates a halo
Image result for back light

key light - brightest (45 degree angle to camera) - main light source - can effect how 3D the figure is
                                                                                                             - if behind it could make the                                                                                                                       figure mysterious
Image result for key light
camera - eye level
Image result for camera eye level

fill light - medium intensity - shouldn't be bright otherwise it will make the subject look flat
                                             - fills the shadows
Image result for fill# light

the lighting tells the audience where to look
lighting reflects the psychology of characters
lighting can define and support the genre of the film

Image result for film lighting workshop
Image result for lighting workshop

the lighting can help define the mood with the angle or the colour of the light

red - evil, anger, lust, power, love
pink - love, romance, empathy, beauty, innocence,femininity
yellow - happy, lighthearted
orange - autumn, warmth,youth, friendly, happiness
purple - mystery, fear, fantasy, illusory
blue - sad, calming, cold, passivity, melancholy

these can represent - the mood,
                                  binary opposites,
                                  highlights importance of characters,
                                  add mystery,
                                  show emotions of characters


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