

- audio                               - length, cutting clips
- video                               - graphics
- effects                             - motion capture
- speed/ duration               - voice over
- post productions             - transitions

the role of an editor - selects and rejects footage
                                 - organise the shots filmed
                                 - coordinate one shot with the following shot to produce the desired effect on                                          audience and to keep a narrative moving

editing is the activity of selecting the scenes to be shown and putting them together to create a film

* order of shots - continuity/ discontinuity
* transitions
* space, time and rhythm

space, time and rhythm

*cinematic space - where the action takes place
*spatial relationship between actors and objects within that space
*also asks the audience to think about what people are doing within this space and what we want to      focus on

time - condense time/ compressed
        - extended time
        - time of sequence takes to play on screen

rhythm - editing sets the rhythm or pace of the scene
             - could be dictated by the music or the mood
             - build up tension - quick shots
             - relaxed scene - slower pace

the meaning of a sequence can change depending on the order of shots are cut together

soviet montage theory - the kuleshov effect is a concept in filming created by lev kuelshov in the 1920
* shows the expression of an actor

soviet montage theory

coined by Sergei Eisenstein - placing together separate sections of film could create idea's or have an                                                  impact beyond individual shots.

eye + water = crying
ear + door = listening

metric montage
rhythmic montage
tonal montage - visual
over tonal montage
intellectual montage - intelligent


cut - one shot is instantaneously replaced with the next
      - most often used - most common

fade - show something ending
         - fade to black from which the following shot emerges

dissolve or cross fade - gradually going from one shot to another
                                    - merges shot (opacity)
                                    - 2 shots at the same time

wipe - one image is revealed over another horizontally vertically, diagonally or even using a shape/               pattern


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