
Showing posts from October, 2019


semiotics is the visual signs/ language to communicate denotation - signifier e.g blue connotation - signified e.g cold, calm, lonely denotation - denotational level - literal meaning/ description connotation - connotational level - associated meaning (interpretation) polysemic: mise-en-scene sound camera work editing signs can become myths - a belief of what it means film poster - broke back mountain denotation - cowboy hat, mountains, lake, two men connotation - western, serious, emotional film

lighting workshop

lighting workshop back light - must use diffusion - separates the subject from the background as it creates a halo key light - brightest (45 degree angle to camera) - main light source - can effect how 3D the figure is                                                                                                              - if behind it could make the                                                                                                      ...


Genre a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature,  characterised  by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. Genre - category            - personal preference            - variety            - code and conventions - expectations            - the type - trailer, posters give away crucial information about the genre example - sci-fi - colour, unrealistic objects/ props, planet, star, out of this world, robot hybrids - a mix of genres              - challenge the genre genre theory - repetition and difference when we think of a western we think of cowboys and the desert because that is what we expect as we link these main qualities to certain genres even the costume and makeup, lighting and colour can tell us about the genre of a film examples:  the genre is horror  ...


representation age, gender, personality, ethnicity/ race, ability/ disability, class/ status, sexuality, national, regional identity and issues and events representation Stuart hall - a theorist who's idea's and arguments included how representation are constructed and                          how audiences would respond to them encode the text - messages, representation - the audience decodes it stereotyping - recognisable characteristics semiotics - signs, signify David gauntlet representation on identity (media influence he argues that media products provide us with tools and resources that we use to construct our identity a character wears something and then you wear it too so it becomes a trend


the 5 elements of  mise-en-scene are: - setting and props - sets are found or made - location or set - costume, makeup and hair - can give the audience information about the character's personality - facial expressions and the body language - conveys the emotion of a character - lighting and colour - lighting and colour can show the mood and atmosphere, can make the  audience feel a certain way - arrangement of the elements in the frame - can indicate the relationship between characters and can signify the importance of the subject the arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film. the setting or surroundings of an event. red - evil, anger, lust, power, love pink - love, romance, empathy, beauty, innocence,femininity yellow - happy, lighthearted orange - autumn, warmth,youth, friendly, happiness purple - mystery, fear, fantasy, illusory blue - sad, calming,...


continuity consistency coherent cutting shots - story with narrative continuity implying spatial relationships - smooth flow from shot to shot creates realism - edits must be invisible establishing/ re-establishing provides a view of all the space in which the action is occurring. might be necessary when a complex sequence of cuts may have served to disorientate a viewer it establishes context for a scene - logical coherence between shots match on action editing one shot to another when and action happens it cuts to another place example: door handle - other side of the door make the action flow 180 degrees roll cant cross over the 180 degree wall (invisible wall) otherwise characters will be switched and will disorientate the viewer eye-line match matches the characters eyes - first person view - understanding what the character is looking at shot reverse shot one character looking at another character off screen cuts to the off screen cha...


editing - audio                               - length, cutting clips - video                               - graphics - effects                             - motion capture - speed/ duration               - voice over - post productions             - transitions the role of an editor - selects and rejects footage                                  - organise the shots filmed                                  - coordinate one shot with the following shot to produce the desired effect on      ...

opening sequence 2

The Plan: another idea for the sequence i had was, to make a trailer for 'little nightmares' which is also a game and i think it could turn out very well because i have music options that could make it very effective. the music options i have are: evil Morty theme - this theme could make it tense and show the full uneasiness of the game i still intend to draw a scene and transition it to a clip of the game. i am also considering drawing other scenes from the game to show other content from the game. i have made the plan of which order i want things to go in which is the following:  * starts of with me drawing the title page in black and white.  * the drawing will then transition to the actual title page from the game itself.  * it will then cut to a scene where the main character gets caught by the janitor and then the chorus        of the song begins when the character is caught.  * cuts to our character running across a brid...

opening sequence

The plan for this project I will be making a sequence from the game Subnautica, and the sequence I plan to make will be very similar to a trailer for the game. I plan to use game play from online as well as making my own at home. for the sequence I plan to include sounds from the monsters in the game and exaggerating them by either layering them up or changing the volume of it. in the sequence I will be adding sounds and noises from the actual game itself such as:  * mechanical sounds  * the robot speaking  * sounds of water either swimming or of waves  * creature/ monster sounds a couple scenes which may work for the sequence are of:  * building scenes  * the sea emperor  * the reaper leviathan also in the sequence I would need to show all kinds of monsters and creatures from all area's of the ocean. for the music I have a couple option I think will work well:  * Under-tale megalovania  * Subnautica abandon s...

film clip analysis camera shots

film clip analysis Shaun of the dead scene - This scene is a medium shot, and it used to show the conversation between the two characters. This scene is a long shot, and i can show all of the characters as well as where the characters are. This shot is a close up, you can see the detail of the wound, but not super close that you can see every minute detail. This shot is a medium long shot, as you can see everything comfortably in the frame. This shot is  a close up, you can see the detail of the characters and see their emotion. This shot is a medium shot as they fir comfortably in the screen but the camera is close enough to see detail in their expressions. This is a medium close up because it is focused mainly on the character and you can see more detail on the face. This scene is a long shot since you can see the full body of both of the characters